Better Evaluation
Better Evaluation is an international collaboration to improve evaluation practice and theory by sharing and generating information about options (methods or processes) and approaches. The Better Evaluation website has resources organized by evaluation method, approach and themes.
Evaluating Community-Based Participatory Research to Improve Community-Partnered Science and Community Health - Hicks, S., Duran, B., Wallerstein, N., Avila, M., Belone, Lo., Lucero, J., Magarati, M., Mainer, E., Martin, D., Muhammad, M., Oetzel, J., Pearson, C., Sahota, P., Simonds, V., Sussman, A., Tafoya, G. & Hat, E. W. Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action, 6(3), 289. (2012)
Evaluating Community Engagement as Part of the Public Health System - South, J., & Phillips, G. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68(7), 692-696. (2014)
Evaluation Guide: Developing and Using a Logic Model - Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.(2008)
The evaluation guide Logic Models offers a general overview of the development and use of logic models as planning and evaluation tools.
Evaluation Handbook - W.K. Kellogg Foundation. (2010).
Evaluation of a Community-Academic Partnership: Lessons from Latinos in a Network for Cancer Control - Corbin, H., Fernandez, M., & Mullen, P. Health Promotion Practice, 16(3), 345-353. (2015)
Evaluation of Community-Academic Partnership Functioning: Center for the Elimination of Hepatitis B Health Disparities - VanDevanter, N., Kwon, S., Sim, S., Chun, K., B Gree CEED Coalition, & Trinh-Shevrin, C. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 5(3), 223-233. (2011)
Evaluation of a Partnership Approach to Translating Research on Breast Cancer and the Environment - Van Olphen, J., Ottoson, J., Green, L., Barlow, J., Koblick, K. & Hiatt, R. Progress in Community Health Partnerships 3(3), 213-226. (2009)
Focus Group Guide for Evaluating & Reflecting on CBPR Partnerships using a CBPR Logic Model - University of New Mexico School of Medicine Center for Participatory Research. (2012).
Measuring Community-Based Participatory Research Partnerships: The Initial Development of an Assessment Instrument - Arora, P. G., Krumholz, L. S., Guerra, T., & Leff, S. S. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 9(4), 549-560. (2015)
Process and Outcome Constructs for Evaluating Community-Based Participatory Research Projects: A Matrix of Existing Measures - Sandoval, J., Lucero, J., Oetzel, J., Avila, M., Belone, L., Mau, M. … & Wallerstein, N. Health Education Research, 27(4):680-690. (2012)