Ron Beford, Executive Director

The Coalition cultivates a network of interconnected faith-based, health care, non-governmental and governmental organizations that work together to build capacity for strong healthy communities, providing health education and social policy information, advocacy, increasing access to health services, and promoting wellness.
The Coalition conducts educational programs such as Circles of Care, Teach-Ins (educational training programs), prayer breakfasts on topical health issues, and other programs designed to improve the health of individuals through faith congregational activities. The Coalition supports regional and national initiatives designed to promote the moral imperative in health policy ( and eliminate health disparities in our local community. Visit the IHHC Facebook page @ InterfaithHealthHopeCoalition for details on programming.
Website | Email | Phone: (810) 923-6940
Research Areas: Health Promotion, Education, Access to Care, Health Policy, Health Disparities,