The Adaptation and Implementation of a Community-Based Participatory Research Curriculum to Build Tribal Research Capacity - Jernigan, V., Jacob, T., the Tribal Community Research Team & Styne, D. American Journal of Public Health. 105(S3): S424-S432. (2015)
Are We Ready? A Toolkit for Academic-Community Partnerships in preparation for Community-Based Participatory Research - Andrews, J., Newman, S., Cox, M. & Meadows, O.
A 75 page toolkit covering a wide range of topics related to development of new CBPR partnerships. The toolkit also includes comprehensive checklists for multiple stages of partnership development.
The Challenges of Collaboration for Academic and Community Partners in a Research Partnership: Points to Consider - Ross, L.F., Loup, A., Nelson, R.M., Botkin, J.R., Kost, R., Smith, G.R. & Gehlert, S. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 5(1), 19-31. (2010)
Community Partner Perspectives on Benefits, Challenges, Facilitating Factors, and Lessons Learned from Community-Based Participatory Research Partnerships in Detroit - Caldwell, W. B., Reyes, A. G., Rowe, Z., Weinert, J. & Israel, B. A. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 9(2), 299-311. (2015)
Cultural Humility Versus Cultural Competence: A Critical Distinction in Defining Physician Training Outcomes in Multicultural Education - Tervalon, M. & Murray-Garcia, J. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 9(2), 117-125.
Development and Evaluation of a Toolkit to Assess Partnership Readiness for Community-Based Participatory Research - Andrews, J. O., Cox, M. J., Newman, S. D., & Meadows, O.Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 5(2), 183. (2011)
Doing community-driven research: A description of Seattle partners for healthy communities. - Eisinger, A., & Senturia, K. (2001). Doing community-driven research: A description of Seattle partners for healthy communities. Journal of Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 78(3), 519–534.
Facilitator Tool Kit: A Guide for Helping Groups Get Results - Office of Quality Improvement University of Wisconsin-Madison. (2007)
The facilitator tool kit is a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide to tools, methods and techniques for assisting groups with planning and improvement projects and interactive meetings. It’s clear, simple explanations and directions lead the reader through the selection and application of practical tools that have been tested with university groups.
Fast Facts about Responsible Research Partnerships with Indigenous Communities - Montgomery, A. (2013)
Fast Facts about Indigenous Cultural Autonomy: Decolonizing Autonomy to Transform Research Practices - Montgomery, A. (2013)
Finding Solutions to Challenges Faced in Community-Based Participatory Research between Academic and Community Organizations - Schoultz, J., Oneha, M.F., Magnussen, L., Hla, M.M., Brees-Saunders, Z., Dela Cruz, M., & Douglas, M. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 20(2), 133-144. (2005)
First Things First: Prioritizing Health Problems - National Association of County and City Health Officials. (2010)
This resource includes different methods for decision making and priority setting that are applicable for prioritizing health problems and other topics.
Getting Started in CBPR: Lessons in Building Community Partnerships for New Researchers - D'Alonzo, K.T. Nursing Inquiry, 17, 282-288. (2010)
Guidelines for participatory research in health promotion. Study of Participatory Research in Health Promotion: Review and Recommendations for the Development of Participatory Research in Health Promotion in Canada - Green, L.W., George, M.A., Daniel, M., Frankish, C.J., Herbert, C.J., Bowie & W.R. & O’Neill, M. The Royal Society of Canada, 41-54. (1997)
National Center for Cultural Competence - Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development (n.d.)
The mission of the NCCC is to increase the capacity of health care and mental health care programs to design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems to address growing diversity, persistent disparities, and to promote health and mental health equity.
Promoting Environmental Justice through Community-Based Participatory Research: The Role of Community and Partnership Capacity - Minkler, M., Breckwich, M., Wasquez, V., Tajik, M., & Petersen, D. Health Education and Behavior, 35 (1), 119-137. (2008)
Protocol for Review of Environmental and Scientific Proposals - Akwesane Task Force on the Environment & Research Advisory Committee. (1996)
Tribally-Driven Participatory Research: State of the Practice and Potential Strategies for the Future - Mariella, P., Brown, E., Carter, M. & Verri, V. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 3(2), 41-58. (2009)
The dance of race and privilege in CBPR. - Chávez, V., Duran, B., Baker, Q.E., Avila, M.M., & Wallerstein, N. (2008). The dance of race and privilege in CBPR. In Minkler, M. & Wallerstein, N. (Eds.), Community-Based Participatory Research for Health from Process to Outcome. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 91-105.
Using Community-Based Participatory Research as a Guiding Framework for Health Disparities Research Centers - Trinh-Shevrin, C., Islam, N., Tandon, S.D., Abesamis, N., Hoe-Asjoe, H., & Rey, M. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 1(2), 195-205. (2007)